Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 9 & 10 - On the Loose

I am behind in my blog because not much happened on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. I basically spent the most of Tuesday just getting things done that I had neglected like washing, got the truck trailer light socket fixed, lube, oil and filter for the truck, getting the trailer hitch fixed and a couple of errands at Wally-Mart.

Wednesday I went to Bob King's to hang out and spent a big part of the day riding and roping with Bob and another cowboy from Colorado by the name of Dan Moyer. Dan is a neat person who is also a rawhide and leather braider which is quite a skill. Dan buys his own cows, skins them out, prepares the hide and then makes a number of cowboy and horse items from the leather.
For example, a reata (leather rope) sells for about $20 per foot (minimum of 60 feet) and takes about 50 man hours to complete.
Here is Dan saddling one of the 3 horses he brought with him. After the Brannaman clinic he will be heading for California to sell a couple of horses.
Temperature = 78

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