Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 16 – Chasing Arda/Arda was caught!

Well, no phone and no internet… oh well I guess all you fans will have to wait for an update but don’t hold your breath waiting! Crying
Well the day started early after spending my first night in a truck stop. No, it wasn’t the trucks as much as the 2 hour time difference I went through yesterday. I was on the road at 7:20 AM, which was all right, as it made it easier to catch Arda… not that I had to try too hard.
I followed the same route as the ladies took on their bikes. It was pretty and well worth the extra 3 hours driving. I took some pictures of the Davis Mountains but they sure don’t do the scenery justice. It was interesting to see the topography change from desert to mountains to plains and then back to mountains (the Texas Bad Lands). The further east I drove, the higher the temperature, and humidity. Spring also went from east to west where the eastern portion is in full bloom and green while the west is just starting.

It was cloudy most of the day and there were times when I was driving in the clouds themselves but the funny part was I never had rain. I had mist (not while in the clouds though) several times but no real rain. You can see the mist in the distance...
I understand what Arda has been talking about with the chip and dip roads… believe it or not my mileage when down by .2 mph while on it, not that it was great to start with.
As for the wind, I stuck my hand out the window and sure-‘nuff, there was a headwind… just kidding, as I am not as dumb as I look – HA! The wind was rather kind today but there were times as you drove through a pass it would swirl and the trailer would shake like crazy. After one episode, I went back, to make sure everything was ok and found the NEW TV on the floor… only a 5’ drop. TearsLet’s hope it still works, as I don’t think warranty covers dropped TV’s.

I caught up to Arda about 4:30 PM at the Fox Fire Cabins in Vanderpool, TX… nice place and I am sure she will tell you all about it. I left and went to the Lost Maples State Park where I am writing this. Tomorrow I’m off to Kerrville to meet Arda where she will have Friday off.

Temperature = 76

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